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Customer Reviews

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A more pro kind of
retrofit smart lock

Now more compatible, even more convenient, and stops worries when it comes to battery power. SwitchBot Lock Pro now features more comprehensive security measures than ever before, and with test after test is now the strongest rear mounted smart lock you'll find on the market.

It's time to get Pro.

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See what they're saying
about Lock Pro

The SwitchBot Lock Pro is more powerful, has longer battery life, and can work with the company’s new Matter hub.

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Thanks to Matter support, the SwitchBot Lock Pro can be paired with a Matter-enabled SwitchBot Hub Mini to add it to almost any smart home automation system you use.

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The deadbolt switch is gone, having been replaced with a twistable dial. It also doubles as a button with the Quick Key feature. Pushing it in lets you instantly lock and unlock the device. 



 The Lock Pro marches on with 4 x AA batteries, boasting a stamina that’s 1.5x better than its rivals. The Dual Power Pack keeps this lock going for up to a whole year. 

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Switchbot has 15 unlocking methods. That mix includes common methods like passcodes, Bluetooth and Apple Watch, and less-common methods like NFC cards and voice unlocking. 



Made to match.

SwitchBot Lock Pro is a perfect fit for homes around the world. Setup takes just minutes, and allows you to keep your original door lock too!

Example shown using a Euro Cylinder lock.

Example shown using a Single Cylinder Deadbolt lock.

Find out if Lock Pro is for you.

Locks found throughout Europe.

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1. Currently under development, accessories to follow.
2. Auto-Lock function is not compatible with Multipoint Locks.
3. If you feel like none of the above locks are compatible, please contact our customer support team at to confirm. 

Please ensure that your cylinder is equipped with an emergency function. A locking cylinder equipped with this feature enables it to be unlocked from the outside using a key, even if another key is inserted on the inside.

Locks found throughout North America.

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1. 3D fittings are needed, please contact our customer support team when purchasing.
2. If you feel like none of the above locks are compatible, please contact our customer support team at to confirm.

Complete Matter support for added flexibility.

Hub Mini Matter Enabled with SwitchBot Lock Pro. A smarter kind of home security.

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Use SwitchBot Lock Pro in Apple Home, all thanks to Matter.

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Choose a solution that suits you.

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Lock Pro

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Lock Pro with Hub Mini Matter Enabled Combo

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Lock Pro with Hub Mini Matter Enabled & Keypad Touch Combo

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Frequently Asked Questions