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A 100% hands-free experience.

S10 is the only Floor Cleaning Robot on the market to give you a true, absolute, hands-free home cleaning experience. Like a fully automatic washing machine that fills with water, washes, drains dirty water, spins, and then dries. So what do you need to do once S10 starts? Well... Nothing, nada, zip.

We've put the world's first auto refill and drain system into a floor cleaning robot, which means "bye-bye" to bad-smelling dirty water tanks, and a "double bye-bye" to cleaning them too, did you think we were joking when we said this is truly hands-free?

S10 helps power its own Water Station to make installation and upkeep even easier, with no wires needed. Simply place our Water Station anywhere with a water supply and you're good to go. Kitchens, bathrooms, and even laundry rooms are all great places to install.

This is the real deal. Our Floor Cleaning Robot is both a vacuum and roller mop, built as one to guarantee clean floors at home. Giving you more time to enjoy doing other things, like baking cakes, saving the world, or both.

S10's built-in roller mop simultaneously washes and scrubs itself 300 times per minute when cleaning to prevent mopping up dirty things and spreading them around your home.

S10's built-in roller mop simultaneously washes and scrubs itself 300 times per minute when cleaning to prevent mopping up dirty things and spreading them around your home.

S10's built-in roller mop simultaneously washes and scrubs itself 300 times per minute when cleaning to prevent mopping up dirty things and spreading them around your home.

S10 not only lifts its roller mop to retract back inside, when it detects carpet, but it also dries wet stains by continuing to spin even after it stops spraying water. This helps you avoid contaminating your oh,so, precious carpet during the cleaning process. Yay!

Who wants a roller mop full of bacteria and odors? Ew, gross. No thanks. We've installed a drying system at the bottom of our Auto Empty Station to automatically dry your S10 roller mop when it's finished cleaning.

S10 uses a newly designed air channel that allows for direct airflow, preventing hair clogging for better dust collection. It will automatically deposit any dust collected into its 4L dust collection bag. Which means you'll only need to empty it every 70 days.

Want the latest updates on SwitchBot S10?

More news will be released via our very own Facebook Group, and you'll be able to find tips, tricks, and get a sneak peek at more exclusive S10-related surprises! There'll also be the chance to win SwitchBot prizes too!

This might just blow your mind. Thanks to the world's first auto refill and drain system, S10 can also deliver clean water to SwitchBot Humidifier 2, all automatically.

With 6500pa suction power, SwitchBot S10 is so powerful no dust is safe from it, even when cleaning thicker carpets.

We've included a roller mop that's a little on the soft side, enabling it to be more gentle on wooden floors.

S10 still has everything you'd expect from a reputable Floor Cleaning Robot, including:

Advanced LiDAR navigation

Accurate cleaning maps to help clean efficiently

AI obstacle avoidance

Easily set no-go zones via our app

Much easier than installing a washing machine, with such a simple setup you'll be up and running in no time.

No matter where you install, we've got all the accessories you'll need for an easy, stress-free experience. Optional external clean and waste water tank available.

Want the latest updates on SwitchBot S10?

More news will be released via our very own Facebook Group, and you'll be able to find tips, tricks, and get a sneak peek at more exclusive S10-related surprises! There'll also be the chance to win SwitchBot prizes too!